Bow courtyard garden: Transforming a small urban space into a lush, private oasis

Project overview

Our client, a busy professional living in Bow, East London, sought Wild Butterfly Gardening's expertise to transform their small courtyard into a serene and inviting oasis that provided a peaceful retreat from the bustling city. We had to fit storage, seating and planting in this courtyard space.The clients wanted increased privacy so we added hit and miss slatted fencing and a row of pleached trees along with a shade- friendly, soft planting scheme. Lighting was key in this garden as our clients wanted to enjoy the space in the long summer evenings.

Bow, East London, United Kingdom
Garden size
Small courtyard

Design process and result

Understanding the unique challenges of small urban spaces, our team began the design process by conducting a detailed consultation with the client to ascertain their preferences, needs, and aspirations for their Bow Courtyard Garden. A site survey followed, assessing the existing conditions and identifying opportunities to maximize the functionality and aesthetics of the limited space.

Working closely with our client, we crafted a custom garden design that addressed their desire for style, seclusion, and low-maintenance while making the most of the available space.

Garden Features and Small Space Solutions

The final design of the Bow Courtyard Garden incorporated the following features, thoughtfully selected to create a welcoming, stylish, and secluded outdoor retreat:

  • A lush, vertical garden that utilized wall-mounted planters to maximize greenery in the limited space while minimizing maintenance requirements
  • A custom-built seating area with comfortable cushions, offering a cozy and relaxing spot to unwind and enjoy the garden
  • A strategic use of tall, evergreen plants and climbers to provide year-round privacy and a sense of enclosure from surrounding properties
  • Space- saving storage units incorporated to maximise the usage for the rest of the garden
  • A mix of low-maintenance, shade-tolerant, and drought-resistant plants that offered textural and visual interest while minimizing upkeep
  • Thoughtful and efficient use of lighting to enhance the garden's ambiance during the evenings and make the space feel larger

Project Completion and Client Satisfaction

Upon completion of the project, our client was delighted with their transformed Bow Courtyard Garden. The innovative design and clever use of space created a secluded, stylish, and low-maintenance outdoor retreat that offered an inviting escape from the bustling city life. The garden became a cherished extension of their home, providing a serene sanctuary where they could relax and rejuvenate.

The Bow Courtyard Garden project highlights Wild Butterfly Gardening's ability to create stunning, functional, and eco-friendly gardens that cater to the unique needs and constraints of urban spaces, enhancing the outdoor living experience for our clients.