Kitchen garden Cornwall: Sustainable living and bountiful harvests

Design process and result

The Wild Butterfly Gardening team began by conducting an in-depth consultation with the family to understand their needs, preferences, and aspirations for their kitchen garden. Next, a site survey was conducted to assess the existing conditions, soil quality, and microclimates.

Armed with this information, our team set to work on designing a custom kitchen garden layout that maximized the use of available space, ensuring a healthy balance between aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability. We collaborated closely with our clients throughout the design process, refining and adjusting our plans to ensure their vision came to life.

Garden Features and Sustainable Practices

The final design incorporated the following features, carefully selected to enhance the beauty, biodiversity, and productivity of the garden:

  • Raised beds constructed from sustainably sourced local stone, arranged in an attractive and functional layout for easy access and maintenance
  • A diverse array of fruit, vegetable, and herb varieties along with a sowing/ planting schedule based on a crop rotation cycle. All chosen for their compatibility with the local climate, soil conditions, and our clients' culinary preferences.
  • Companion planting techniques to promote natural pest control, soil health, and increased yields
  • A composting system for recycling household and garden waste, enriching the soil and reducing the need for chemical fertilizers

Project Completion and Client Satisfaction

Upon completion of the project, our clients were thrilled with the results. Their new kitchen garden not only provided them with a continuous supply of fresh, organic produce but also served as a visually stunning and biodiverse outdoor space for relaxation and enjoyment.

The family reported increased sightings of bees, butterflies, and birds visiting their garden, a testament to the success of the eco-friendly and wildlife-supportive practices implemented by Wild Butterfly Gardening.

The Kitchen Garden Cornwall project exemplifies Wild Butterfly Gardening's commitment to crafting sustainable, beautiful, and functional gardens that align with our clients' visions and enhance the natural environment.